Cleaning Up After a Day at the Beach
A day spent at the beach in your new bathing suit (from SwimsuitsDirect.com of course) is always so much fun. But on just about every beach there are tons of sand. Great for the beach, not so great in your house. Cleaning up sand in your home has to be one of the hardest tasks to do in the Summer. It's not uncommon that you find sand from the beach several days after your trip. It can get everywhere! (The worst is getting sand in your bed.)It sticks to everything and can be a pain to remove, so before you head out for a day of fun in the sun with your friends and family, here are a few tips to help to make sure you and your home remain sand free.
Line the seats with old towels This may seem a little extreme at first but think about it: just because you're dry when you're heading out doesn't mean you will be returning the same way. Using old towels on the seat will serve as a nice barrier and prevent any particles from slipping down and hiding in the cracks. You can also line the floor with newspaper to be extra careful. It will catch the wet sand from the bottom of your shoes, and you can just toss it in the trash once you're home. Speaking of shoes, don't wear closed toe shoes. Just slip on a pair of flip-flops so that you won't have to spend the trip home shaking sand out of them.
Sand-proof your bags Ziploc bags are your friend. There are a few beach bags out there that are designed with a sand-proof lining, but these babies will give you an extra layer of protection at a fraction of the cost. Separate your essentials (books, keys, cell phones, etc) into individual bags to keep them protected from the sand that may sneak in. Once you make it back home, remove your belongings and leave the bag at your door or in your garage. Voila! No sand. Many public beaches have some kind of shower that let you rinse off some of the sand. But they really don't get all of it.
Keep a separate bag for beach toys If you plan on taking shovels, beach balls, and other toys for the kids to the beach, place them in a separate bag with a small stiff brush. Although they are plastic, sand can still stick to them, so before you pack them up, rinse and dry them off, then do a quick sweep with the brush. Place them in their bag and leave them in the trunk during the ride.
Shake the Sand Off Your Body Before you get into your car, make sure you rinse off all of the sand from your body. Packing two beach towels per person-one for sand activities and the other for this moment- is a must. After you rinse your body off, towel dry and then apply a light dusting of baby powder (it's the best product to use to grab the sand); change clothes. Rinse out your swimming suit again, turn it inside out, and then place it in a Ziploc bag. Once you make it home, take it immediately to your laundry room and hang it up to dry. There's still some sand hiding in the lining, so once it dries, use a small brush to remove any more particles and then hand wash with mild soap and water. Be sure to read this post on the best way to clean your bathing suit.
Clean Sweep Your Home In the event you did track sand into your home, you don't want it to sit on your carpet for very long because it can ruin it. If you find it on a rug, take it outside, lay it over a rail and use a broom or big brush to get it out. If you have hardwood floors, invest in a rubber broom (straw brooms are still useful but a rubber broom will get a much more thorough cleaning). If your home is carpeted, vacuum immediately, paying special attention to your entryway to ensure none of the sand is impacted. If it is, use a nozzle attachment. If needed, you can also use a wet-dry vacuum; the strong suction capabilities will pull the sand out as well. Looking for cute women's swimsuits. Check out our huge selection of designer swimwear for women.